Build your dream

earthship-bottlesToday we had another meeting about our plans for the land. We are inspired by the many beautiful examples of sustainable green building designs, often made largely from recycled and natural materials, like the Earthship in this picture. We want to offer our friends the space to create their own dream cottages on our land, according to their wildest imagination.

4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Maoiliosa said,

    I also have some land in the conselho de Odemira. Getting planning permission to build anything, however creative, is a long and expensive process. It would be wise to advise would be homebuilders of this obstacle. Sincerely Maoiliosa

  2. 2

    Osho's Garden said,

    You are right, but I hesitated before this obstacle long enough and now we are going to jump over it! It will take some time and effort but we will resolve this process for the potential builders.

  3. 3

    Ivo said,

    Very nice iniciative. I would love to visit your place someday, to share some ideias and music, is it possible? Love and light 🙂

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