
Meditation and Permaculture

Osho Garden is a non-profit project to create a living space where ecological gardening, health food and meditation go hand in hand. We are registered as an Osho Information Center. The project started in 2010 in a farmhouse in Saboia, Alentejo but we needed a larger accommodation than was possible in that location and in 2016 we moved to a rural property with more space in Lagoa, in the Algarve. If you want to participate in the project, please send us an email and we will send you an application form. Participation is on cost sharing basis, but we are also accepting a limited number of (long term) volunteer workers on wwoof conditions. For our mission statement and daily schedule, see The Osho Garden Guidelines

Our aim is to promote a healthy life in every respect. A daily practice of meditation is considered helpful to find inner peace and understanding. We are using active meditation techniques that were introduced by the Indian mystic Osho. For information on Osho and active meditations you can visit www.osho.com

We are hosted by the association Laozi House: http://www.laozihouse.org/

For more recent pictures of our daily activities, see our Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/retreat_of_friends/

Postal address: Jardins de Lombos CP 270-A, 8400-411 Lagoa, Portugal.
Telephone (landline) 00351 282 343 361.
email: info@oshogarden.net
You can find some information about our area in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagoa,_Algarve

How to get here

Our postal address is a mailbox placed at the main road, not at our house which is on an unnamed road. The name at our entrance gate is Jardins de Lombos / Lombos Gardens. The easiest way to find it is to put the coordinates in a navigation app on your smartphone and downlaod the map of Portugal so you can use it off-line. This will also help you in your free time to find your way to the many beautiful beaches and the coastal walking trail, and afterwards the way back to our house.

Enter these coordinates: N 37.1221,  W 8.4126

You can also use the road map of the Lombos area below. You may want to print this map in order to show to a taxi driver or find your way on foot. You need to go to Jardins de Lombos – Lombos Gardens on the road map of the Lombos area. You can click on the map to enlarge (works also with pictures in our blog). And tell the taxi driver that he can get the directions in his navigation system by calling the Lagoa taxi central.

Painel-If the taxi has no navigation system, you can tell the driver to go (from Lagoa) in the direction Porches. Before Porches he has to turn right, into a small road. This is about 300 m after passing the roundabout near the International School. After about 700 m there are some houses on the left side of this road. Enter the second entry gate, we usually leave it open when we expect people.

By public transport:

The nearest airport is Faro. We do not recommend to go by train as the station Lagoa-Estombar is 10 km from our house. You can get nearer with the bus to Lagoa (5km).

Public bus schedules:

Airport bus schedule to Faro bus and train station: http://www.algarvebus.info/003.htm

Train schedule: http://www.algarvebus.info/006.htm

From the Faro bus station you can take a bus (with destination Lagos) that stops in Lagoa. Bus schedule: http://www.algarvebus.info/002s.ht

Taxis in Lagoa: You can try these telephone numbers: 282 313 307 or 925 841 130

The bus line between Albufeira and Portimao has a stop in Porches. http://www.algarvebus.info/002e.htm and http://www.algarvebus.info/002w.htm

Get out at the Porches roundabout, walk on past the BP gas station and take the first left. There is an entry door near the letter L of Lombos Gardens on the map.

There are also direct buses from Lisbon to Lagoa:


If your flight arrives late you may need to stay overnight in Faro. For a low cost hostel you may check http://www.hostelworld.com/


Road map Lagoa

OSHO Global Connections (www.osho.com)
Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)
WWOOF Portugal
Fellowship for Intentional Communities
Permacultura Portugal

Copyrights notice:

OSHO, the Osho-Signature Design, the Swan Logo Design, and names of OSHO Meditations are trademarks or registered trademarks of OSHO International Foundation, www.osho.com/copyrights

50 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    deva samvado said,

    got this contact from Julia in Penzance Cornwall.
    Sounds very interesting, please keep me informed of progress.

  2. 3

    koos arens said,

    please keepme informed!

  3. 5

    karen said,

    Me too, I would love to stay in touch
    I almost bought a place in the same region myself last June..
    And yes, I am a sannyasin and will provide osho-meditations where-ever I will “happen to live” in the coming years..

    Karen aka Prem Gyana

  4. 7

    Deepika said,

    I am very interested in your project and would love to get some more information about the possibilities of working as a volunteer. Soon I will come back to Europe after more than 1 year of intensive meditation in Osho-ashrams in India. I am now looking for an Osho-place somewhere in Europe where I can stay and work for a while. I would love to contribute in your project and help Osho’s dream come true! If you could send me some more information…..you make my day!! 😉

    Love from India,

  5. 8

    Sugit said,

    Hoi Pujari, wil je mij ook op de mailinglijst zetten? Groeten, Sugit / Martin Schoenmakers, je weet wel, van Amsterdam. Succes met jullie project!

  6. 10

    michele renee said,

    I have been enjoying the blog very much, via Maarten. It sounds like a great project! Let me know if you want to visit us here to learn about permaculture or natural building, etc. We’d love to show you what we are doing.
    Good luck!
    Eugene, OR

    • 11

      Osho's Garden said,

      Hi Michele. Oregon is far too far for me at the moment, but thanks for the invitation. I put you on our mailing list.

  7. 12

    Mahadevi said,

    Hello guys
    Great you are seeding now….
    The beans I put in the ground come up already
    Very nice to read your adventures
    Ate logo and see you soon
    Mahadevi in poço novo

  8. 13

    marion van der werf said,

    Harm is having his own farm, finally a community.
    Wishing you lots of laughs, blood, sweat and tears of joy!

  9. 14

    Hugo said,

    Second half of July, 2010, I am in that region of Portugal, with a camper. Is it already possible to stay on the campside. I would love to visit.

  10. 16

    Joke said,


    It all looks so great! I would love to participate for some time! Is that possible this summer? Of course I would provide my own stay over there . love Joke

  11. 17

    Ananda said,

    Beautifull step forwards in the NOW.. Please put me on your mailinglist. My heart tells me this is a very nice and needed project for those who reside in Osho’s silence.
    Love&Light, Martin and Micheline

    • 18

      Osho's Garden said,

      That’s right. And nice people like you are very needed here to help the project move forward, please come and join.

  12. 19

    mahadevi said,

    Hej Pujari
    I am very interested to hear all the news
    So please keep me informed
    I am going for 5 weeks away..first to South of France and than Holland
    So see you in august again
    Hugs also for Sugeet and Praveeta

  13. 20

    gerda anand vihar said,

    Hello Pujari –
    Following the progress of your vision is like diving into a “bestseller-story”. I would very much like to continue getting the informations fron Oshogarden.
    Love Vihar

  14. 22

    luisa said,

    it would be good to maintain your newsletter..

  15. 24

    looks all very bubbling with energy and joy, wish you all Osho’s-best…. and ofcourse I like to keep informed.
    ps. if anybody likes to film and interview the people of Osho’s Garden, we like to broadcast it through Osho-tv, with love, tarangita

  16. 26

    kumar said,

    always happy to know what is happening over there

  17. 28

    Asti said,

    Hallo Putjari,

    Ik werd via Baul (Amsterdam) geinformeerd over dit project.
    Mooi initiatief!
    Ik lees dat men kan komen helpen, is het ook de bedoeling dat er mensen kunnen komen wonen?
    Hoe me op de hoogte!

    Liefs, Asti

    • 29

      Osho's Garden said,

      Wil je dat? Wat leuk! Kijk even onder How to join en neem contact op. Ik heb je op de mailing list gezet.

  18. 30

    Narahari said,

    Friends, this looks like a beautiful place. At the moment i’m in Ibiza in eco village and i got the information from Alex who came yesterday. In a few months i’ll come to visit.

    Prem Narahari:)

  19. 32

    Paulo said,

    Hi! Olá!

    I was very happy to discover your project!
    We are a Portuguese couple, very much interested in permaculture, local food and self-sufficiency, but currently living abroad (on an ecovillage!)

    I add your link to the blog I write on ecovillages

    Wish you good luck, and I look forward to visit you sometime later

  20. 33

    Ana said,

    Sou Portuguesa e estou a viver na california mas como vou brevemente a portugal gostaria de ir recebendo noticias, nomeadamente de eventos. é possivel?


    • 34

      Osho's Garden said,

      Hi Ana. Yes. You are welcome to visit us when you are in Portugal. And I added you to our mailing list.

  21. 35

    Natália Santos said,

    Olá, somos um casal de portugueses que pretende fazer uma visita à vossa quinta até ao fim do mês e, se possível, acampar e participar nalgumas actividades. Estariam disponíveis para nos receber?

  22. 37

    lucy said,

    i am interested in volunteering mid november for amonth or two

  23. 38

    Maoiliosa said,

    I fell in love with the area around Saboia and Nave Redonda five years ago. And now I am at the early stages of negotiating the purchase of a small plot of land. Hopefully it will come through, and I hope then to visit your place. I discovered your blog today and I have enjoyed reading about the adventure.

    • 39

      Osho's Garden said,

      Okay, let’s stay connected. I will add you to our mailing list. (If you don’t want to receive mails, just reply ‘unsubscribe’ and you are out again.)

  24. 40

    andy m said,

    I can feel the inspiration that you guys are generating.

  25. 41

    Sw. gyanesh said,

    When I look for your community I remember when I stay in Oregon.

  26. 42

    Verónica Santos said,


    Acabei de ver o vosso blog e gostei muito, estou interessada em fazer voluntariado na vossa Comunidade. O que é necessário fazer para participar/ajudar?

    Um abraço

  27. 44

    Chandrakavi said,

    Great place, thank you, hope to go there sometime

  28. 45

    Moritz said,

    Hey Guys,
    I appreciate your beautiful project and also your Blog is done with a lot of care. I just have a problem that with the color scheme I can barely read the text. There is just too much green on the site. I would love to read more but it hurts in my eyes.

    • 46

      Osho's Garden said,

      Thanks for your appreciation Moritz, and sorry for troubling your color vision. We experience gardening and the color green as most relaxing and thatś why we chose this. The text is from a default template at WordPress and well readable on my screen, but the visibility may indeed be different on other computers.

  29. 47

    Eros said,

    Hello 🙂
    This is amazing, I am planning to go live in nature and meditate daily. I want to help with planting and participate in activities. Do you guys still welcome people ? Please contact me , and how long can someone stay with you ?

    Thannnks 🙂

  30. 48

    Dear friends..we ester and sieds traveling now with our camper through portugal.
    We like to investigate the possibilities which can exist in the moment.
    To morrow we are in your neighberhood is it possibles to visit you ?

  31. 50

    Noreen said,

    Hello, I am currently in lisbon on holiday and would be very interested in coming to stay, work and learn about what you are doing if you are currently looking for helpers
    Kind regards

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